Logistics partnership should be transparent




TransConnector Logistics platform

TransConnector is the only platform of its kind in the world that connects carriers, freight brokers, and manufacturing companies.


Problem description

TransConnector is the only platform of its kind in the world that connects carriers, freight brokers and manufacturing companies.

In the field of transport, it is very difficult to find long-term partners who are also reliable. Also, situations often arise where it is necessary to quickly find work for your drivers or to move goods from one country to another. The problems that TransConnector solves are: speed of information exchange, ensuring the reliability of carriers and transparency of market prices.


Visual identity

We created the general brand identity for the platform together with a logo and UX/UI design. We took into account the preferences of the field of activity and the target group.

Technical solution

The entire application runs on AWS (Amazon Cloud Service) services. (EC2, S3, SES and MongoDb Atlas) to enable easy scaling as data volumes grow. In addition, Braintree is used as a payment intermediary, Here API is used in the map application, and vatLayer is used to check VAT numbers. During development, we focused on making sure that the platform was safe for users, and that all requests were fast on the page.

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When developing the platform, we based it on customer feedback and market needs. During development, we focused on ensuring that the platform is safe for users, that all requests and functionalities are fast.

In the most recent version, we have built the following functionality for TransConnector:

  • Adding Roundtrip offers
  • Adding tender offers
  • Adding one-time loads
  • Live message system within the platform
  • Sending direct quotes
  • Rating system
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Web Applications



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