A modern solution for managing employees

JobPals mobileview




JobPals mobile app

JobPals is for businesses employee management application on mobile.

Full-stack developmentUX/UI


Automatic timekeeping directly from mobile for company employees. Send an evacuation message to all employees directly from their mobile phone. JobPals automatically records people's arrival and departure times. Real-time overview of all employees. Always know who is in the office.

Each user's entry and exit times are automatically recorded. The ability to see your own historical data, which provides an overview of each working day. Quickly send notifications to all employees, personalize your profile and get an alert if something has happened in the workplace.

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Visual identity

The visuals for the JobPals app are extremely minimalistic, with clean designs. Blue is the dominant color and mint green is used as an accent color. All illustrations are hand drawn.

Technical solution

The application is developed using Flutter, FireBase and Node.js

The application is available in the App Store and Play Store, see more: https://apps.apple.com/fi/app/jobpals/id1536772660

Jobpals tablet view

Mobile Applications



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